Rheinbraun Brennstoff GmbH (RBB) makes every effort to ensure that the information and data on its website is accurate. However, it does not accept any responsibility for the topicality, accuracy or completeness of the information and data provided. This also applies to any other websites to which users may be directed using a link. Furthermore, RBB is not responsible for the content of any website accessed via any such link. RBB reserves the right to alter or expand upon the information or data provided without notice at any time. Rights and obligations existing between RBB and the website user or third parties shall remain unaffected.
RBB shall not be held liable for the actions of partner companies. RBB does not accept any responsibility or liability for ensuring that services offered by partner companies are compliant with statutory requirements. To the extent RBB offers services on its own behalf, our General Terms and Conditions shall apply. In addition RBB shall only accept any liability – regardless of legal basis including in the event of improper handling – a) in the event that RBB, its institutions or senior management cause damage as a result of gross negligence or intent, or culpably breach a significant contractual obligation (cardinal duty) in a way which endangers the purpose of the contract or b) in the event that an agent of RBB that constitutes neither a corporate governing body nor senior management, breaches a significant contractual obligation (cardinal duty) as a result of gross negligence or intent in a way which endangers the purpose of the contract. RBB’s liability shall be limited to such typical damage as could reasonably have been expected at the time the contract was concluded if corporate governing bodies or senior management of RBB breach a cardinal duty without exhibiting gross negligence or intent. This limitation of liability shall apply similarly to the scope of any damage. RBB’s liability in accordance with the German Product Liability Act (ProdHaftG) and other mandatory statutory provisions shall remain unaffected by the foregoing limitation of liability. Any other liability on the part of RBB is excluded.
The content of the website is protected under copyright law. The reproduction of information or data, and in particular the use of texts, text excerpts or pictorial material, is not permitted except with our prior permission. Copying and unauthorized use without prior permission is not permitted for commercial or non-commercial purposes.
All information or data, its use, and registration on the RBB website, along with all actions, sufferance or omission in connection with the present website is exclusively subject to German law.
The place of jurisdiction is Cologne, Germany.
Rheinbraun Brennstoff GmbH
50226 Frechen
T +49 2234 109 - 25020
F +49 2234 109 - 1431
Managing directors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Forkel
Cologne Regional Court (Amtsgericht) HRB 30772 – VAT ID No.: DE 811195926